Sunday, April 5, 2009

Stomach Crunches: Getting Fit

Hi, to all of my dear followers. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Well, it's been awhile since I've done some stomach crunches. Lately the only crunch I know is eating on a chip. I'm a health fanatic in a way, I still eat what I want. I just watch how much and change the ingredients a bit to fewer calories and fat.

I think it's time for me to start doing more you know? My birthday is next month and I want to look good, not saying I don't look good now. I just want to look better. I want to be not only that hot chic, but hot momma as well. You feel me? I'm so glad that I don't have much to tone up, though. So it's not going to be as hard.

I've started off with 50 sit-ups a day and work my way up after a week to about 80 and work it up from there. If you want to look good, then you have to put some work into it. It's not easy, but it is well worth it. Making healthy changes makes you feel good about yourself. Appreciate your body, nourish it give it what it needs.

My stomach crunches is my way to a better me. What's you challenge to approving yourself? I'll post before and after pics once I've toned up.

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