Monday, December 20, 2010

The Woman That Is Allergic To Water

I was sitting back checking out the Tyra Banks show and it was about people with the rarest conditions in the world. This show was very interesting and astounding! She had several topics, but the one that caught my attention was a lady that is allergic to water.

In the beginning every thing was good, she got pregnant had her baby and that’s when things started to change. Two days after giving birth she took a bath and something did not seem right. When she got in the tub her skin immediately started burning, she didn’t know what to think she tried it again and she broke out into a rash along with blisters.

This woman went to the doctor and they could not diagnose her condition, there was no cure and they could not even figure out why she was breaking out. Meanwhile while suffering with this medical condition she had to change her life completely! She was not able to touch her son, because of the moisture from the skin. If her son started sweating and she touched him she would instantly breakout. I know this sounds crazy! You just can’t imagine what she is going through.

Because of her condition she had to restrict herself from certain foods and of course drinks as well. The foods that she isn’t allowed to eat are vegetables and fruit because these natural foods contain enormous amount of water. Diet coke is the only beverage she can drink because it has carbonated water in it. This condition is so serious that she would breakout within minutes if she drank a cup of water. If the water would cause her to breakout on the outside of her skin, you can just imagine what it would do to the inside of her body.

Tyra ask her, and so would anyone else. How do you get clean? Her special guest said that she takes a 30 second shower three times a week. I don’t know about you, but it takes me 30 seconds just to get my body wet and how can you wash your whole body in that amount of time. She has learned to deal with her situation and what a situation it is.

Well, she was referred to a Dermatologist and she explains what she was going through and he did a simple test on her. The doctor put some water on her skin and told her she is allergic to water. There is no cure; she literally had to change her life in a drastic way. There are only 30 people in the world with this rare medical condition. The doctors said that it started from a hormonal imbalance after her pregnancy. So all in all her pregnancy is what caused her to have this allergy towards water.

This woman resides in England and it is usually always rainy out there. When ask, what do you do to prevent yourself from getting wet? she replied, “I try to stay in when I know it is going to rain or snow and when I do go out I wear this special raincoat that protects me from the rain, but I don’t have it anymore because it has been stolen, I’m not able to get another one because the coat was very expensive.”

Poor lady, it just breaks my heart! No one would ever think that a medical condition like this would even exist, but it does. I have other topics of this subject, I will write two more pieces about people with the rarest medical conditions so watch out for the others.

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